Adult & TAY Services

Empowering Clients with Life-Changing Resources

Felton Institute’s Adult & TAY (Transitional Age Youth) Services Division delivers an array of innovative and comprehensive programs.

We provide clients with mental health support, resources, crisis intervention, and supportive housing; promoting psychological and physical well-being.

Division Location(s) / Service Area

Our Adult & TAY Services Division programs are primarily based in San Francisco’s downtown area and Bayview–Hunters Point neighborhood. We also operate programs in Alameda, Marin, and Solano Counties.

Sliding Scale Policy at Felton Institute’s 1500 Franklin Clinic in San Francisco:

No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay. There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available, based on family size and income.

For general inquiries regarding Felton Institute’s Adult and Transitional Age Youth services programs, please contact:

Marvin Davis, Felton Institute Chief Financial and Operations Officer (CFOO)
Felton Institute Division Director, Adult & Transitional Age Youth Services
Office: 1005 Atlantic Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

A nation-wide hotline for those experiencing a mental health crisis. The Lifeline provides 24/7 access to phone, chat, and text support for suicidal ideation, mental health crisis, and/or substance use related issues. Felton Institute’s San Francisco Suicide Prevention (SFSP), the oldest community-based telephone crisis hotline in the United States, is partnered with Lifeline and answers local calls and chats from 988 for the city and county of San Francisco.

Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS)

LOSS provides resources, support, connection, and understanding immediately after a suicide loss and for the months and years that follow. This program is an active peer model of postvention made up of a team of trained survivors and professionals working together as LOSS team volunteers.

San Francisco Suicide Prevention (SFSP)

The mission of San Francisco Suicide Prevention (SFSP) is to provide emotional support, education, assistance, and intervention as necessary to all persons in crisis and those impacted by them, with the goal of reducing suicides and self-destructive behaviors. SFSP merged into Felton Institute in 2019.

Mental Health

Adult Intensive Case Management (ICM) and Full Service Partnership (FSP) programs

Providing direct support to adults (ages 25-60) living with severe mental illness, our multidisciplinary, team-based mental health programs offer intensive wraparound outpatient services delivered in both the office and the community.

Deaf Community Counseling Services (DCCS)

Empowers Deaf & Hard of Hearing clients to live self-sufficient lives through a transformative focus on their overall well-being. DCCS supports and educates the community on the importance of healing through a comprehensive lens, integrating care for their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral health.

Felton Outpatient Services Solano (FOSS)

We provide holistic, recovery-oriented behavioral health and support services to adults 18+ in Solano County who have Medi-Cal and meet Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services criteria.

Full Circle Family Program (FCFP)

Outpatient mental health services for low-income, uninsured children and their families.

Adult Social Services, TAY, Felton InstituteTransitional Age Youth Acute Linkage (TAL)

The program’s aim is to improve the long-term health, well-being, and safety of Transitional Age Youth (TAY), ages 16 through 24, through developmentally responsive mental health linkage and support services to TAY and their family following a mental health crisis.

Transitional Age Youth Full Service Partnership (TAY FSP)

Program assisting youth, ages 16-25, with serious and persistent mental illness, substance abuse and homelessness, to help stabilize their lives and assist them with achieving life goals, self-sufficiency and greater independence.

Bayview Community Programs

Bayview Drop-In Center (BDC)

Providing access to showers, laundry, meals, and lockers, Felton Institute operates a drop-in center at 2111 Jennings Street in the Bayview for San Francisco residents who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Harbor Haven Supportive Housing (HHSH)

Offering stable housing for the unsheltered community throughout San Francisco, Felton Institute’s Harbor Haven Supportive Housing program provides scattered-site housing units with shared and/or single occupancy bedrooms.

Harbor Haven Supportive Housing for Veterans (HHSHV)

Offering stable housing for unsheltered veterans throughout San Francisco, Felton Institute’s Harbor Haven Supportive Housing for Veterans program provides scattered-site housing units with shared and/or single occupancy bedrooms.

Mother Brown’s Kitchen (MBK)

Serving as a lifeline for San Francisco’s unhoused, formerly unhoused, and food-insecure residents, Mother Brown’s Kitchen at 2111 Jennings Street in the Bayview is operated by Felton Institute, providing warm meals and a safe community hub.

Get in Touch.
Get Involved.

Call Us: (415) 474-7310

San Francisco Headquarters
1500 Franklin Street,
San Francisco, CA 94109

East Bay Headquarters
1005 Atlantic Avenue,
Alameda, CA 94501


Responding to human needs by providing cutting edge, evidence-based mental health and social services that transform lives.

Felton Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit under EIN 94-1156530. Copyright © 2025 Felton Institute. All rights reserved.

Get in Touch.
Get Involved.

Call Us: (415) 474-7310

San Francisco Headquarters
1500 Franklin Street,
San Francisco, CA 94109

East Bay Headquarters
1005 Atlantic Avenue,
Alameda, CA 94501


Responding to human needs by providing cutting edge, evidence-based mental health and social services that transform lives.

Felton Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit under EIN 94-1156530. Copyright © 2025 Felton Institute. All rights reserved.