Outreach and wellness programming for isolated older adults in Visitacion Valley.
This program includes health and wellness activities, community engagement, and advocacy. The primary goal of this program is reducing social isolation of older adults in Visitacion Valley and the southeast sector of San Francisco.
Projects are geared towards the interest of isolated older adults in the community. We also provide community connections and neighborhood collaborations to support the diversity of our older adult clients.
A Neighborhood Connector reaches out to isolated older adults with initial engagement and provides additional access to activities and resources. The program develops partnerships with established community organizations, such as the Visitacion Valley Community Unity, which address issues of interest in the neighborhood, including public safety, voter education, and distribution of information about the Visitacion Valley.
Projects include:
- Walking Groups
- Stretch Exercises
- ESL classes
- Yoga in English, Cantonese, and Tagalog
- Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety
- Access to Public Resources, Food Security, and Transportation
- Elder Abuse Prevention
- Mental Health Awareness
- Psycho-Education
- Discussion Groups Around Trauma
- Community Leadership Group
- Chinese Dancing
Hours (Mon-Fri): 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Service Area: Visitation Valley / Southeast Sector of San Francisco
No fees are charged to participants.
Visitacion Valley Senior Health & Wellness
Address: 1099 Sunnydale, 3rd floor, San Francisco, CA, 94134
Office Phone: (415) 574-5935
Program Email: vzvalleyseniors@felton.org
For more information, please contact:
Edith Yamanoha, Program Director, Aging Services
Office Phone: (415) 982-7007, ext. 631
Email: eyamanoha@felton.org