Forging a Pathway to Stability
By collaborating with various local agencies and officials, Felton Institute’s Justice Services Division programs provide rapid response, community-driven engagement, service linkage, and relationship-building assistance to under-served and underrepresented communities.
Focus is given to those who are insecurely housed and justice impacted.
Division Location(s) / Service Area
Felton Institute’s Justice Services programs are principally located at 1663 Mission Street, Suite 250 in San Francisco, with some programs operating in Alameda County.
For general inquiries regarding Felton Institute’s Justice Services programs, please contact:
Curtis Penn, MPA
Felton Institute Division Director, Justice Services
Phone: (415) 474-7310 ext. 777 | Fax: (415) 931-0972 | Email: cpenn@felton.org
Office: 1005 Atlantic Ave, Alameda CA 94501
SAN FRANCISCO Justice Services Programs
Supporting Treatment and Reducing Recidivism (STARR)
Provides case management for justice-involved adults dealing with substance abuse and other challenges.
Young Adult Court (YAC)
Young Adult Court (YAC) is a Collaborative Court diversion partnership for transitional age youth facing felony charges who wish to have their records expunged in exchange for successful participation and graduation from the program.
East Bay / ALAMEDA COUNTY Justice Services Programs
Mission to Motivate (M2M)
Based in Alameda County, the M2M Program provides services to clients involved in the criminal justice system with mild to moderate mental health conditions.
Reentry Engagement Program (REP)
In collaboration with Alameda Country Behavioral Health, Felton’s Reentry Engagement Program (REP) serves justice-impacted individuals with severe mental health challenges through employment, health services, and community connection.
Success: Movement from Incarceration (SMI)
Specialized team of clinicians and support staff that work with clients for 18 months, serving individuals who comes out of Santa Rita jail primarily and returning residents across all of Alameda County who are experiencing severe and persistent behavioral health challenges.
East Bay / CONTRA COSTA Justice Services Programs
Angelo Quinto Community Response Team (AQCRT)
AQCRT provides a 24/7 community response to low-level, non-life-threatening 911 calls. In collaboration with the City of Antioch, the Antioch Police Department, and local community-based organizations, our trained staff provide community members with mental health support, service linkage, and lifesaving skills.
North Bay Justice Services Programs
Crossroads to Hope (C2H)
Case management, under contract with Alameda County Adult Protective Services (APS), to help older adults and adults with disabilities with time-limited care management services.
Vallejo Integrated Health & Resource Team (IHART)
IHART is a mobile community resource team serving the city of Vallejo. The team provides services to those experiencing a mental and behavioral health crisis.