Felton Institute’s success is measured in the countless lives we transform through innovative programs and services.

2024 was a year marked by rapid growth and groundbreaking programs. We expanded our geographic reach to serve communities in ten counties and opened our newest locations on 401 Grand Ave. in Oakland and 1170 Market St. in San Francisco. We also introduced new programs designed to empower all we serve.

Highlights include supporting individuals struggling with drug abuse, addressing the behavioral health needs of young adults, providing services to children with developmental disabilities, and more. In addition to these successes, Felton hosted community events that forged strong partnerships with community leaders and was honored by city officials with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its life-saving work in the community.

Felton Institute’s success is measured in the countless lives we transform through innovative programs and services.

2024 was a year marked by rapid growth and groundbreaking programs. We expanded our geographic reach to serve communities in ten counties and opened our newest locations on 401 Grand Ave. in Oakland and 1170 Market St. in San Francisco. We also introduced new programs designed to empower all we serve.

Highlights include supporting individuals struggling with drug abuse, addressing the behavioral health needs of young adults, providing services to children with developmental disabilities, and more. In addition to these successes, Felton hosted community events that forged strong partnerships with community leaders and was honored by city officials with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its life-saving work in the community.

Our Vallejo-based mobile resource team was honored at a ribbon-cutting for its culturally responsive work connecting residents to mental and behavioral health resources.
This past year, we expanded our reach to more older adults with training and workforce development, supported by generous funding and a Highway 101 billboard.
Fostering education and career growth in San Francisco’s Early Care and Education workforce, our ECE REACH program celebrated its third cohort of graduates in October 2024.

To learn more about our groundbreaking services spanning over 60 programs, please see our past newsletters,follow our social media posts, and explore our website. As we welcome 2025, we continue to provide services that strengthen and support community, create partnerships, and model best practices.

Honoring Felton in the Community: IHART Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 

Felton’s Integrated Health & Resource Team (IHART) was honored with a ribbon-cutting ceremony presented by the City of Vallejo. IHART was joined by Vallejo City Mayor Robert McConnell, Solano County Supervisor Erin Hannigan, Council Members Rozzana Verder-Aliga, JR Matulac, Mina Loera-Diaz, and many more.

IHART is a mobile community resource team serving the city of Vallejo. The team provides on call services to those experiencing a mental and behavioral health crisis. The dedicated team is comprised of non-police personnel who conduct welfare checks, screenings, and assessments. They provide proactive, culturally responsive engagement to link residents to resources based on their specific and urgent mental and behavioral health needs.

Angelo Quinto Community Response Team Marks 1-Year Anniversary

Bay Area Fox 2 KTVU News featured a story on the Angelo Quinto Community Response Team’s (AQCRT) one-year anniversary. They included interviews with the mayor of Antioch and members of AQCRT who spoke about the program’s success thus far.

AQCRT, now in its second year, provides a 24/7 community response to low-level, non-life-threatening 911 calls in collaboration with the City of Antioch, the Antioch Police Department, and local community-based organizations. The AQCRT team answered over 5,500 dispatch calls and enabled over 2,300 linkages to housing, mental, and physical health referrals.

Watch the KTVU Video.

SCSEP Expansion and Billboard Debut: Reaching Out to Older Adults Re-entering the Workforce

Felton Institute’s Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) received significant funding from the California Department of Aging for a major outreach campaign. Through this generous funding, it debuted the SCSEP billboard in Palo Alto, overlooking the 101 freeway. The billboard advertises the SCSEP program that helps older adults transition back into the workforce. This billboard also marks the beginning of SCSEP’s expansion into San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties, positively impacting the livelihood of older adults.

SCSEP is a federally funded job-readiness training program that helps older adults transition back into the workforce by providing training in community service organizations and government departments, leading to job placements.

Solano County Expansion: FOSS Supports Clients with Behavioral Health Needs

Felton Outpatient Services Solano (FOSS) is a new multi-disciplinary team of clinicians, medical providers, case managers, and peer support specialists. Felton’s team provides specialty behavioral health services to support clients 18 and older (who meet Specialty Mental Health Services Criteria) by delivering recovery-oriented, culturally responsive, co-occurring capable, and trauma-informed services in a timely manner. Services are person-centered, allowing individuals to choose services based on their preferences and needs.

POET Provides a Pathway for Those Struggling with Drug Addiction

Felton Institute’s new program, Post Overdose Engagement Team (POET), assists individuals who have already experienced an overdose or who are at high risk for drug overdose with severe and persistent mental illness. Felton’s designated clinical team collaborates in a multi-disciplinary structure to significantly reduce the risk of overdose and engage in goals to increase stability, connect to ongoing services, and reduce a client’s dependence on inpatient and emergency services.

SEEDS Addresses the Needs of Children with Developmental Delays

Felton’s CYFTAY (Children, Youth, Family & Transitional Age Youth) Services debuts its latest program, Supporting Early Education, Development and Socialization (SEEDS), that provides vital support for families with children aged 0-5 who have disabilities or developmental delays.

Established in 2024 with funding through San Francisco’s Department of Early Childhood, the two primary service areas include Care Coordination and Developmental Playgroups, all designed to address the unique needs of children and their families.

San Francisco Suicide Prevention Hosts 988 Network Region 9 Convening

Felton’s San Francisco Suicide Prevention (SFSP) program was honored to host the 988 Network Region 9 Convening. Over the impactful 2-day event, agencies from California, Arizona, and Nevada came together with a unified mission of saving lives. SFSP concluded the event with a tour of their space and a presentation from our partner, CIRCE, who shared impactful information on their contact center solutions.

Check out our video to see a full recap and words from Nancy Hobbins, Senior Manager for 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, and James Wright, Division Director of Crisis Operations with SAMHSA, who spoke about coming together to serve those in crisis.

SFSP’s 24/7 suicide prevention hotline and mental health services help those in crisis. Each year SFSP answers 61,000 calls on their Suicide Prevention hotline, successfully de-escalating 91% of high-risk callers. Aligned with this year’s accomplishments was the completion of the suicide prevention net constructed below both sides of Golden Gate Bridge, a project SFSP was an early champion in support of its construction.

As early as 2008, SFSP expressed its support for this life preservation effort. “Anything that gets in someone’s way buys them time and saves their life,” said Eve Meyer, Executive Director of San Francisco Suicide Prevention in 2008. The barrier’s completion in 2024 was the site of a community commemoration of the suicide prevention system.

ECE REACH Celebrates Annual Graduation

Felton Institute’s ECE REACH (Early Care and Education, Realizing Employment and Creating Hope), celebrated its third cohort by honoring the participants with a graduation ceremony that recognized and uplifted their success. “You all are changing the narrative for yourselves, for your families, and for the communities that we’re serving,” said Felton COO Dr. Yohana Quiróz to the graduates. “You’re becoming the next generation of leaders in the ECE space and you’re doing it with grit, grace, and determination.” ECE REACH is honored to report that the majority of participants have gone on to pursue a bachelor’s degree in early childhood studies at EDvance College.

Designed to empower first-generation, non-traditional college and immigrant apprentices through an Early Childhood Education (ECE) workforce development pipeline, ECE REACH provides comprehensive support services tailored to meet the unique needs of this workforce.

Check out the video to see the positive impact of this empowering program.


Felton Institute responds to the needs of our community by providing innovative, evidence-informed social services to transform lives. Our organization offers 50+ programs that address mental health, the unhoused, early care and education, those impacted by the justice system, transitional age youth, as well as aging adults. Our award-winning programs, which have been recognized as national models, combine the latest scientific research with cultural sensitivity and a deep commitment to supporting and reflecting the communities we serve.

Founded in 1889, Felton is the oldest secular non-profit social services provider in the City and County of San Francisco. We have expanded our services across most Bay Area counties and continue to be at the forefront of pioneering new approaches to meet the emerging needs of underserved populations.

We know what it looks like to successfully build community.

We foster impactful change by strengthening the community as a premiere service provider. We also strengthen other service providers by supporting them in their fiscal, human resources, communications, IT and overall agency operations. With Felton’s support, they are able to focus on providing the best services to their clients, doing the work they were meant to do.

Felton empowers the community and ensures successful outcomes to all we engage with.

Felton Institute is a tax-exempt organization registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 94-1156530.