Young Family Resource Center (YFRC)

The Young Family Resource Center (YFRC) is a peer-directed, peer-focused program exclusively designed for teen and young-adult parents and their children. 

YFRC serves parents under the age of 24 who are journeying through parenthood with children aged 8 and under. Integrating a youth-development model and peer-to-peer service delivery and wraparound resources, YFRC offers a network of support services that include parenting education, early literacy workshops, father support groups, art classes, child development education, nutrition, and cooking workshops, and more. We’ve designed our services with young parents in mind, recognizing that their unique needs deserve culturally and linguistically appropriate services.


YFRC’s services are FREE. We believe that support shouldn’t come with a price tag. Our commitment is to help young families thrive without any financial burden. 

Who We Serve

The Young Family Resource Center (YFRC) serves young adult parents under the age of 24 with children aged 8 and under.

Please contact us at: to learn more.

Coordinated Support Services

Information & Referral:
Connect with a Family Support Specialist for referrals to housing assistance programs, family therapy, childcare programs, and all your family’s needs.

Case Management:
As a participating family in one of our ECE programs, you can partner with a case manager to set and achieve goals for you and your family (offered in English and Spanish). Connect with your Family Support Specialist for more information.

Family Advocacy:
As a participating family in one of our ECE programs, you can partner with one of our staff to set and achieve goals for your family (offered in English and Spanish)

Child Development Screenings:
ASQ-3 and/or ASQ-SE Drop-in Child Development Screenings are offered on an as-needed basis. Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) screenings and Keys to Interactive Parenting Scales (KIPS) assessments are offered.

You can learn more about our support services by visiting our center in person (M-F 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) or emailing us at

Access Available Onsite Resources

All families connected with one of our Early Care and Education (ECE) programs are eligible and have access to all the services offered across our Family Resource Centers.

Felton Institute's Onsite Resources Include:

Weekly Food Pantry “Healthy Families, Healthy Lives”:
Access to free nutritious food, including fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy products.  

Weekly Diaper and Wipes Bank :
Access to diapers (all sizes) and baby wipes. The diaper bank is open on a weekly basis and during Farmer’s market (Tuesday).  

Clothing Boutique (as needed):
Access to clothing boutique where you will find clothing for children 0-5 years old and adult clothing as needed. 

Basic Needs Assistance:
Access to learn about and enroll in FES and other public benefits.

You can also learn more about Felton Institute's onsite resources by visiting our center in person (M-F 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) or emailing us at

Resource Center Program Components


  • Charlas con Cafecito / Spanish support group (Informal)
  • Coffee Chat / English support group (Informal)
  • Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
  • Parent Support Group: Children with special needs
  • Parent Support Group: Fatherhood
  • Parent Support Group: Expressive Arts


  • Expressive Arts Series (all ages welcome!)
  • Infant Massage & Parent Bonding (children 0-18 months)
  • Parent-Child Playgroup (Play, Learn, Grow)


  • Perinatal Supports
  • Abriendo Puertas / 10-wk Spanish-language parenting class
  • Partners In Parenting Education (PIPE), 8-week course


  • Early Literacy & Books
  • School Readiness
  • Prenatal Wellness
  • Health and Wellness
  • Supporting Children's Social & Emotional Development
  • Understanding Your Child’s IFSP/ IEP Workshops (Spanish/English)
  • Supporting Children with Special Needs
  • Supporting Children on the Spectrum (Fall & Spring Session)
  • Family Economic Success
  • College & Career Fairs / Workshops

Program descriptions are below. You can also learn more about our current programming by visiting our center in person (M-F 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) or emailing us at

Linkage to Felton Institute Programs

At the Young Family Resources Center (YFRC), we provide access and linkage to additional programs provided by Felton Institute that our families are eligible to participate in.


  • Felton Institute's Full Circle Family Program (FCFP):
    Services are provided to children and families to recover from difficult experiences and create stronger relationships. FCFP helps children improve their behavior, recover from difficult experiences, and create stronger relationships with their families. Referral Form is available on the FCFP page.


  • Felton Institute's Early Care and Education Realizing Employment and Creating Hope (ECE REACH) program:
    In partnership with the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA), Felton is offering ECE REACH, a workforce development program that offers access to 12 academic ECE units, on-the-job training and mentorship, career readiness, and paid internships. At the completion of the 1-year program, participants are provided with the opportunity to earn an Associate Teacher permit and to be hired as an early childhood educator earning $28 an hour. Open to families enrolled in any Felton ECE or MEDA program.

You can also learn more about the Felton Institute programs providing resources and services for our families by visiting our center in person (M-F 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) or emailing us at

Our Focus

Via a two-generation approach, Felton’s YFRC promotes strong families and optimal development for their children by focusing on the Strengthening Families Framework via the Five Protective Factors; 

    • Parental resilience
    • Increased social connections
    • Increased knowledge of parenting and child development
    • Providing concrete support in times of need
    • Supporting social and emotional competence in young children

🏠 Our Location

Situated in the heart of the Mission District, our services are tailored to provide young families with the support and tools they need to excel.

Our doors are open Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, to young families across the city. Evening and weekend programming by appointment only.

Our Programing Descriptions

Felton Institute’s Young Family Resource Center (YFRC) programming includes:


Charlas con Cafecito (Informal)
Enjoy snacks while connecting to other families onsite. Support group for Spanish-speaking families to network, connect and share resources with one another in our family resource centers.

Coffee Chat (Informal)
Enjoy snacks while connecting to other families onsite. Support group for English-speaking families to network, connect, and share resources with one another in our family resource centers.

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Improve leadership and public speaking skills in a welcoming, safe, mentorship-based space for parents to gather, socialize, and strategize on how to improve and influence our school community.

Parent Support Group: Children with special needs
Support group for parents of children with special needs. It offers the opportunity for parents to discuss issues related to their child’s unique disability. Topics are determined through group consensus and may include things such as navigating services, dealing with family stressors, medical and alternative interventions, educational strategies, behavior management, community involvement, social support, etc. We also discuss Felton and community resources, current research, and literature.

Parent Support Group: Fatherhood
A weekly support group for fathers to connect and share resources with one another. Facilitated in both English/Spanish.

Parent Support Group: Expressive Arts
Support group for parents to come together and create a community of support while creating arts and crafts.


Expressive Arts
This series offers creative art projects for families and children to connect, engage, and come together. All ages welcome! 

Infant Massage & Parent Bonding (children 0-18 months)
A 5-week series designed to teach parents the basics of infant massage. Participants will learn and practice strokes to bond with and soothe their infants.

Parent-Child Playgroup (Play, Learn, Grow)
An interactive playgroup for children 0-2 years old and their caregivers to bond and meet other families through music, singing, and play.


Perinatal Supports
8-week, InJoy Health Education curricula: this class provides pregnant or young women with a child under one year of age with childbirth education, child development, and parenting support.

Abriendo Puertas (“Opening Doors”)
A 10-week, evidence-based parenting and leadership class for Latino parents of children aged 0-5 years old. Learn the power of positive parenting, parent-child relationships, and attachment. Classes are offered in Spanish.

Partners In Parenting Education (PIPE)
An interactive 8-week course on brain development, attachment, and early learning for parents and their children (0-2 years) to learn together through music, movement, and semi-structured activities.


Workshop: Early Literacy & Books 
Provided in partnership with the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) and Tandem®, these workshops help young children build early literacy skills through singing, talking, and reading together.

Workshop: School Readiness
Provided in partnership with Parents for Public Schools (PPSSF) and the San Francisco Unified School District (SF USD), these workshops focus on learning how to navigate the school enrollment process and preparing children for kindergarten.

Workshop: Prenatal Wellness
Our monthly workshop series for expectant parents and parents of children aged 0-5 offers topics including Infant CPR and First Aid, and Emergency Preparedness (Fire & Earthquake).

Workshop: Health and Wellness
These sessions focus on health and wellness for families with young children (including oral health, health & safety, mental health, nutrition, and physical education).

Workshop: Supporting Children’s Social & Emotional Development
These sessions focus on providing parents with information on topics such as social skills, the importance of meeting social-emotional and developmental needs, and strategies to make sure that their child’s needs are being met.

Early Intervention Workshops: Understanding Your Child’s IFSP/ IEP (Spanish/English)
These sessions provide helpful tips on understanding your rights as a parent.

Topics Include:

  • Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) services
  • An introduction to the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) / Individualized Education Program (IEP) process: what is involved, who attends, the IFSP/IEP documents, deciding your child’s placement, participating in IFSP/IEP meetings, transitioning from IFSP to IEP.

Workshop: Supporting Children with Special Needs
These sessions provide information on topics such as social skills, sensory integration strategies, communication development, intensive behavioral supports, and more.

Workshop: Supporting Children on the Spectrum (Fall & Spring Session)
A three-part series offered twice a year, these workshops provide parents and caretakers with a more in-depth look at the multifaceted issues surrounding Autism.

Topics include

  • Current trends in Autism diagnosis and treatment
  • Understanding the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) and its use at Felton’s Early Autism Program (FEAP) with children on the spectrum
  • Playtime strategies for children with limited language, skills, and interests
  • Addressing challenging behaviors.

Workshop: Family Economic Success
Provided in partnership with the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) and other city-wide and community organizations, these workshops focus on family financial success and access to resources and opportunities, including access to affordable housing opportunities.

College & Career Fairs / Workshops 

  • College Fairs: Provided in partnership with institutions of higher ed, college fairs provide families an opportunity to visit college campuses, learn about college admissions and enrollment process and timelines, and financial aid and scholarship deadlines.
  • Career Fairs: Provided in partnership with employers, career fairs provide families an opportunity to take part in a mock interview, attend resume workshops, learn about training and apprenticeship opportunities, meet with employers, and discuss potential job and/or internship opportunities.


Felton Institute’s Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting program (TAPP), family support for young parents and their families


Hours (Mon-Fri): 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Evening and weekend programming by appointment only.

Young Family Resource Center (YFRC)
Address: 2730 Bryant Street, 2nd floor, San Francisco, CA 94110
Main Office Phone: (415) 282-1090
Fax: (415) 282-1735
Program Email:

For more information, please contact:

Rosaura Diaz, Senior Director, Data and Family Support Services,
Children, Youth, Family and Transitional Age Youth Services (CYFTAY)
Office Phone: (415) 282-1090

Yohana I. Quiróz, Ed.D., Felton Institute Chief Operations Officer (COO),
Division Director, Children, Youth, Family and Transitional Age Youth Services (CYFTAY)


Felton Institute’s Young Family Resource Center (YFRC) is funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) — Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Section and the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood (SFDEC).

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