LOSS and Postvention Services: A Lifeline to the Community

Felton Institute’s Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) is a survivor-led, postvention program that provides support to those impacted by suicide. Felton’s LOSS team, the first of its kind in the Bay Area, provides support and services for family members and...

HIV/AIDS Nightline: A Call for Help in the Dark

In 1981 the Centers for Disease Control issued a report about five young, healthy gay men in Los Angeles who were diagnosed with a mysterious rare fatal lung infection and compromised immune systems. Soon after, gay men across the nation began reporting similar...

International delegations visit Felton Institute

Felton Institute was honored to host Korean and Taiwanese delegates who came to the Bay Area to learn about our cutting-edge Senior Services. Korean Delegation Visits Felton Institute   Felton CEO and President Al Gilbert was joined by Senior Division...

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