Give to Felton Institute, an Agency That Transforms Lives.
Felton Institute is one of the oldest non-profit agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area, operating since 1889 and serving a wide array of underserved communities. From children to young families to the homeless, individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and those at risk for suicide.
Felton Institute is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit under EIN 94-1156530. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law. No goods and services are provided for this donation.
Felton Institute on Amazon Smile
Did you know that you can shop online, from the comfort of your home and still generate fundraising for Felton Institute? In cooperation with AmazonSmile, you could make a difference by helping others in need, with minimal effort.
Here’s how it works:
1. Go to It should automatically prompt you to confirm that you want to support Felton Institute.
2. Once you select Felton Institute, each time you shop, 0.5% of your purchase will be donated to Felton Institute, allowing you to help us help others.
If you are new to Amazon or already have an existing account, please know that AmazonSmile offers the same products, prices and overall shopping experience as Thank you for supporting Felton Institute!