Felton Institute was honored to host Korean and Taiwanese delegates who came to the Bay Area to learn about our cutting-edge Senior Services.

Korean Delegation Visits Felton Institute


Felton CEO and President Al Gilbert was joined by Senior Division Director Cathy Spensley and Program Director of Workforce and Engagement Services Amy Yu, to present on Felton’s groundbreaking Older Adult programs that support and empower seniors.

The talk was followed by a tour of Sagebrook Senior Living in San Francisco, where Ombudsman Co-Director Benson Nadell spoke about Felton’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman program, a federally mandated program that advocates for residents in nursing homes, board and care homes and assisted living facilities.

Delegation from Taiwan Visits Felton Institute

Felton Institute had the honor of hosting a delegation from Taiwan this summer at our Sutter Street office in San Francisco. We used the opportunity to showcase our senior services and commitment to wellness care for all ages.

Felton President and CEO Al Gilbert and Senior Services Division Director Cathy Spensley kicked it off with a welcome and presentation of gifts, including Felton swag and local treats.

Amy Yu, Director of Workforce and Engagement Services, followed up with a presentation on Felton’s older adult programs that support job training and employment for seniors. The presentation ended with an introduction to our Tech Squad program by Tieu Ly in Mandarin.

We express our gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the Korean and Taiwanese Delegations for joining us!


Felton Institute responds to the needs of our community by providing innovative, evidence-informed social services to transform lives. Our organization offers 50+ programs that address mental health, the unhoused, early care and education, those impacted by the justice system, transitional age youth, as well as aging adults. Our award-winning programs, which have been recognized as national models, combine the latest scientific research with cultural sensitivity and a deep commitment to supporting and reflecting the communities we serve.

Founded in 1889, Felton is the oldest secular non-profit social services provider in the City and County of San Francisco. We have expanded our services across most Bay Area counties and continue to be at the forefront of pioneering new approaches to meet the emerging needs of underserved populations.

We know what it looks like to successfully build community.

We foster impactful change by strengthening the community as a premiere service provider. We also strengthen other service providers by supporting them in their fiscal, human resources, communications, IT and overall agency operations. With Felton’s support, they are able to focus on providing the best services to their clients, doing the work they were meant to do.

Felton empowers the community and ensures successful outcomes to all we engage with.

Felton Institute is a tax-exempt organization registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 94-1156530.

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