Felton’s Early Psychosis Programs provide services in five Northern and Central California Counties: Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, Marin, and Monterey. It is a rigorous, data-driven program using five evidence-based practices in synergy.
Felton’s Early Psychosis Program’s comprehensive treatment approach includes:
- Case management
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) algorithm-guided medication management
- Individual therapy
- Family group therapy
- Educational and vocational counseling to help clients and their families manage the disease over the course of a lifetime
“Felton’s Early Psychosis Programs have won awards and through (re)MIND®, BEAM, and BEAM UP® – and serve approximately 350 individuals across five counties. Felton Early Psychosis Program is the most comprehensive treatment program for early psychosis west of the Eastern seaboard.”

Complete List of Felton Institute’s
Early Psychosis Programs:
With early diagnosis and a comprehensive roster of evidence-based practices, (re)MIND® follows a model considered a breakthrough in the treatment of psychosis.
The Felton (re)MIND® program treats youth and young adults, ages of 15-24, who are experiencing the recent onset of psychosis. The program focuses on prevention and recovery.
The (re)MIND® program is committed to transforming the treatment and perception of early psychosis by intervening early with evidence-based, culturally competent assessment, diagnosis and interventions, so that young people can learn skills to manage the ups and downs of the recent onset of psychosis.
(re)MIND® Services Include:
- Rigorous, Research-Validated Diagnostic Assessment
- Individual Psychotherapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
- Strengths-Based Case Management
- Employment and Education Support
- Algorithm-Based Medication Support
- Multi-Family Groups
- Peer and Family Support
- Integrated Substance Use Treatment
- Community Outreach and Education
Who Felton (re)MIND® Programs Serve:
- First Episode Psychosis (FEP) clients
- People with psychosis and additional issues, like major depression and substance abuse, and special populations, including refugees and Native Americans.
- Primarily English, Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin speakers, with capacity to serve clients in any language
Bipolar Disorder Early Assessment and Management (BEAM) is an innovative, evidence-based program developed by Felton Institute to diagnose and treat bipolar disorder I. BEAM provides treatment to adolescents and young adults, so they can learn to manage their condition and move towards remission and recovery. Currently, BEAM is available in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties, with plans to expand to all five program sites.
BEAM is comprehensive and focuses on early intervention. The program is based on a two-year plan that is designed to put individuals and their families back on track. We encourage teens, young adults and their families to learn more about BEAM at http://feltonearlypsychosis.org.
- To be eligible for the BEAM program, participants must:
- Have a diagnosis of Bipolar I or II Disorder
- Have experienced no more than three manic episodes
- Be 15-24 years of age
- Have any health insurance, Medi-Cal or be Medi-Cal eligible.
BEAM UP® is a coordinated specialty care model designed to enable youth and young adults to navigate their transition to independence and prevent the potential impact that mental illness can have on it. The BEAM UP® program applies an array of services to support these individuals and their families in realizing their full potential.
To be eligible for BEAM UP® participants must:
- Be a San Francisco County resident (regardless of insurance status)
- Be experiencing recent trouble with perception, thoughts, mood, or functioning
- Be 14-25 years old
BEAM UP® Services Include:
- Rigorous, Research-Validated Diagnostic Assessment
- Individual Psychotherapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
- Strengths-Based Case Management
- Employment and Education Support
- Algorithm-Based Medication Support
- Multi-Family Groups
- Peer and Family Support
- Integrated Substance Use Treatment
- Community Outreach and Education
Key program partners include UCSF, East Bay Community Recovery Project, Sojourner Truth Foster Family Agency, the Mental Health Association of Alameda, and the behavioral health services departments of the five California counties with Felton Early Psychosis Programs. The Mental Health Association of San Francisco was also a founding partner.
About Felton Institute: Founded in 1889, Felton Institute responds to human needs by providing cutting edge, evidence-based mental health and social services that transform lives. Felton Institute is a tax-exempt organization registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 94-1156530.
Offering more than 50 acclaimed and honored programs that address homelessness, mental health, prenatal, adolescent, adult and senior needs, Felton Institute provides services in San Francisco, Alameda, San Mateo, Marin, and Monterey counties.
Felton is named for its social services pioneer and executive director Dr. Katharine “Kitty” Felton who was called the ”conscience of San Francisco” and was committed to ensuring that children and families in crisis have access to social services and resources in order to help them build upon their inherent strengths and develop self-sufficiency. www.felton.org